Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and flares are the most energetic explosive phenomena occurring in the solar atmosphere and subsequently propagating into the interplanetary space, probably affecting the safety of human high-tech activities in the outer space. To understand and predict the transient events, we need to elucidate some fundamental but still puzzled questions, one of which concerns...
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) can create the most hazardous space weather effects. Therefore it is extremely important to advance our understanding of how they start in the corona, which would be useful for scientifically and accurately predicting them. This may be partially achieved by studying the signatures that CMEs may leave in the low corona as identified in Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV)...
Solar jets are highly collimated plasma flows accelerated along magnetic field lines due to magnetic reconnection, often originating from anemone-shaped arcades. These impulsive jets, particularly broader ones, frequently exhibit untwisting motions. In this study, we analyze a solar jet associated with a circular flare ribbon using high-resolution data from the Swedish 1-meter Solar Telescope...
Jets are one of the eruptions which impact the solar atmosphere significantly along with other transients like solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Magnetic reconnection is believed to be one of the reasons behind these transients. The onset and factors contributing to the morphology and thermal structures are still complex to comprehend. In order to understand them, we have studied...
Field stored just below or rising to the photosphere will break through the surface and enter the upper atmosphere once the gradient of the sub-photospheric field strength becomes sufficiently large. Driven by convective motions and the expansion of field in the chromosphere’s low-β plasma, opposite polarity flux bundles will reconnect. Some of this emerging flux is likely due to a local...