Abstract Id | Title | Presenter | Poster number |
3 | Investigating the Origin of Switchbacks in the Solar Corona - A Statistical Approach | Sneha Pandit | SH_01 |
144 | An Effective Approach for Identifying Magnetic Field Switchbacks in the Solar Wind | Dipali Vadher | SH_02 |
10 | Dimming Inferred Estimation of CME Direction - DIRECD | Shantanu Jain | SH_03 |
158 | Denoising Helioseismic Far-Side Images | Aarushi Rawat | SH_04 |
76 | Properties of Super Active Region 13664 in Context of the Extreme Geomagnetic Storm of 10-11 May 2024 | Priyansh Jaswal | SH_05 |
87 | Investigation of Source Regions of Geo-effective Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) | Saurabh Tripathi | SH_06 |
157 | Forecasting Space Weather Using a CNN-LSTM Model: A Multispacecraft Approach with Aditya-L1. | Abhishek Kumar | SH_07 |
15 | Improving Solar Wind Forecasting Models Over the Phase of Solar Cycle: Source Surface Height Optimization and Magnetogram Impact | Sandeep Kumar | SH_08 |
148 | Investigating the Solar Wind Source Regions Through Middle Corona Observations | Arpit Shrivastav | SH_09 |
103 | Evolution of CME Radial Size and Expansion Speed: 3D Kinematics and Non-conventional Approach to In situ Observations | Anjali Agarwal | SH_10 |
59 | A Comprehensive Statistical Study of Sub-Alfvénic Intervals Observed at 1 AU | Komal Choraghe | SH_13 |
133 | Modulation in Cosmic Rays during a Period of Anomalously low Solar Activity | Bhupendra Kumar Tiwari | SH_14 |
85 | Radio Occultation Observations to Probe the Solar Corona and Solar Wind | Sasikumar Raja Kantepalli | SH_15 |
182 | An Automated Real-time Trigger for Solar Radio Burst Detection for the Murchison Widefield Array Using Yamagawa Spectrograph | Deepan Patra | SH_16 |
179 | Extracting the h| E & h| F of the Ionospheric Layers Using the Digitized Kodaikanal Ionograms | Pavan Gramapurohit | SH_17 |
92 | Investigations on Suprathermal Ions in the Interplanetary Medium Using STEPS/ASPEX Measurements from Aditya L1 | Aakash Gupta | SH_18 |
117 | Connection Between Coronal Abundances and Underlying Lower Atmospheric Properties in Solar Active Regions | Paola Testa | SH_19 |
6 | Limit of Alfvènic Heating in ICME Magnetic Clouds: An Observational Perspective | Kishor Kumbhar | EP_01 |
74 | Thermal Evolution of Earth-Directed CMEs Driving the Extreme Geomagnetic Storm on May 10, 2024 | Soumyaranjan Khuntia | EP_02 |
169 | Analysing Turbulence in Coronal Mass Ejections Using Empirical Mode Decomposition | Akanksha Dagore | EP_03 |
164 | Observations of the Homologous Flares by AR 13386 on the 5th and 6th of August 2023. | Deepak Kathait | EP_04 |
19 | Coronal Mass Ejections: Propagation Time Delay due to Magnetospheric Interactions | Ajith Shanbhag | EP_05 |
176 | Revisiting the Relationship Between Prominence Material and CME Core Structures | Sunit Sundar Pradhan | EP_06 |
190 | Energetic and Kinematic Properties of Recurrent Solar Active Region Jets: Multi-Wavelength Analysis with AIA and IRIS Observations | Prakhar Singh | EP_07 |
193 | Reformation of a Quiescent Filament and Persistence of its Magnetic and Thermal Properties | Jain Jacob P. T. | EP_08 |
38 | Generation and Annihilation of 3D Nulls in a Magnetic Field Initially Devoid of Any Nulls | Yogesh Kumar Maurya | EP_09 |
31 | Investigation of Plasma Relaxation in Solar Flares Using Data-Constrained MHD Simulations | Satyam Agarwal | EP_10 |
192 | Studying Electrostatic Solitary Wave Phenomena due to Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction at Mars’s Reconnection Region | Nivedita Chakraborty | EP_11 |
26 | Large-Scale Energy Transport in the Solar Corona due to Fast Magnetosonic Waves Generated by Impulsive Reconnection | Sripan Mondal | EP_12 |
39 | Radio Observations and Their Role in Understanding Solar Energetic Particle Events | Anshu Kumari | EP_13 |
161 | Source Region of Intense Solar Radio Burst during an Eruptive Flare: Correlating Flare-CME signatures from Udaipur-CALLISTO dynamic spectrum and AIA/SDO observations | Binal Patel | EP_14 |
106 | Modeling the Dynamics of Sun’s Atmosphere to Study its Energy Balance and Heating in Coronal region. | Devesh Sharma | EP_15 |
1 | Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Si IV Doppler Velocity During an M-6.5 Class Solar Flare | Jayant Joshi | EP_16 |
96 | MHD Simulation of Flux Rope Eruption Underneath Coronal Streamers | Piyali Chatterjee | EP_17 |
49 | Exploring Propagation of Small-scale Flare Heat Flux in the Lower and Upper Atmosphere of Solar Active Region | Girjesh Gupta | EP_18 |
102 | Precise and Accurate Short-term Forecasting of Solar Energetic Particle Events with Multivariate Time-series Classifiers | Sumanth Rotti | EP_19 |
153 | Unveiling the Dynamics of Polar Coronal Hole Jets: A Multi-Wavelength Study | Rohan Bose | EP_20 |
79 | Numerical Modeling of Multiple Magnetic Reconnection in Chromospheric Current Sheet | Akash Bairagi | EP_21 |
88 | Active Region Magnetic Parameters as Proxies for CME Velocity Prediction | Aswin Amirtha Raj S | EP_22 |
145 | Interpretable Deep Learning for Solar Flare Predictions | Linn Abraham | EP_23 |
53 | Rotational Characteristics of the Sun Using SDO/AIA Images at Wavelength 1600 Å | Ved Prakash Gupta | SC_01 |
99 | ADCMI - Study of Stellar Variability and Their Comparisons with Sun Like Stars. | Janvi Agarwal | SC_02 |
196 | Pushing the Boundaries of Planet Detection in the RV Method | Anoop Gavankar | SC_03 |
210 | Characterization of Magnetic Activity on the Sun Using Disc-integrated Spectra | Parvathy Menon | SC_04 |
189 | Machine Scientist for Understanding and Mitigating Stellar Activity in Exoplanet Detection | Mangesh Daspute | SC_05 |
83 | Sun-as-a-star Differential Emission Measure analysis of Coronal Dimming associated with CMEs | Dheeraj Vittal Shenoy | SC_06 |
130 | Improved Detection of Superflares on Solar-type Stars | Rohan Kumar | SC_07 |
58 | Understanding Hanle effect in Ca I 4227 Å line Using Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Solar Atmosphere | Devang Agnihotri | SC_08 |
209 | Magnetic Reconnection: An Alternative Explanation of Radio Emission in Galaxy Clusters | Subham Ghosh | SC_09 |
208 | Impact of Electron Scattering Redistribution on Spectral Line Polarization Formed in Stellar Atmospheres | Sampoorna M. | SC_10 |