A new era of high-resolution solar observations, driven by advancements in ground-based, balloon-borne, and space-based facilities (e.g., SST, DKIST, ALMA, SUNRISE, and Solar Orbiter, among others), has revolutionised our understanding of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in the solar atmosphere in recent years. These cutting-edge facilities provide unprecedented high-resolution observations,...
The Sun's dynamic atmosphere is rich in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves, particularly in regions of intense magnetic activity like sunspots, where these waves are most pronounced and powerful. These waves in sunspots may play a crucial role in providing energy for plasma heating and contribute to the early stages of solar wind formation, and they can also serve as valuable diagnostic tools for...
The chromosphere exhibits various acoustic waves that are generated in the photosphere or deeper layers due to convective motions. As these waves encounter the steep density gradient between the photosphere and the chromosphere, they transform into shock waves, often characterized by a sawtooth pattern in λ-time plots of chromospheric spectral lines, such as Hα and Ca II. In this study, we...
The solar atmosphere is now understood as a fully interconnected system, where dynamic events in one layer may be the cause or effect of those occurring in the layers above. Photospheric flows, through interactions with magnetic structures, facilitate energy transfer to the chromosphere and beyond, often in the form of waves. These processes depend on frequency, with evidence suggesting that...
Observations often suggest that the solar coronal loops are multi-stranded and multi-thermal at the current instrument resolution. The goal of this work is to study the effect of this multi-strandedness on the propagation and damping of compressive slow magnetoacoustic waves. We employ an ideal 3D MHD numerical model to achieve this objective. The simulation results are forward modelled to...