Solar jets are highly collimated plasma flows accelerated along magnetic field lines due to magnetic reconnection, often originating from anemone-shaped arcades. These impulsive jets, particularly broader ones, frequently exhibit untwisting motions. In this study, we analyze a solar jet associated with a circular flare ribbon using high-resolution data from the Swedish 1-meter Solar Telescope (SST), in coordination with IRIS and SDO. We compared the observed jet features with a 3D numerical simulation of reconnection-driven jets performed with the ARMS code. Three significant observational signatures were identified: (1) the formation of a hook along the circular ribbon, (2) the jet’s widening through displacement of its kinked edge toward the reconnection site, and (3) the fallback of some jet plasma toward an offset footpoint. These features, which align with the 3D asymmetric reconnection geometry of swirled-anemone loops, suggest that such characteristics are common in impulsive solar jets. The generic nature of the simulation supports the hypothesis that these features are typical in similar jet events.
Contribution Type | |
Theme | Energetic Phenomena |