Raja Bayanna Ankala
(Physical Research Laboratory, Udaipur Solar Observatory)
We analyse chromospheric observations of NOAA AR 12765, which were
acquired using a narrow-band imaging spectrometer installed with the 50-cm
MAST at the Udaipur Solar Observatory. The active region included a large
plage region in the vicinity of a sunspot, and we employed the NICOLE
inversion code to determine 2D maps of temperature and velocity as a
function of height. Photospheric vector magnetograms from SDO/HMI were used to ascertain the underlying magnetic field configuration. We will present preliminary results from our study in this talk.
Contribution Type | |
Theme | Solar Magnetism in High-Resolution |
Primary authors
Raja Bayanna Ankala
(Physical Research Laboratory, Udaipur Solar Observatory)
Ravi Chaurasiya
(PRL, Udaipur Solar Observatory)
Rohan Eugene Louis
(PRL, Udaipur Solar Observatory)
Shibu K Mathew
(PRL, Udaipur Solar Observatory)