Jan 20 – 24, 2025 Solar physics Conference
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Analysis of the sunspot drawings from the Royal Observatory of Belgium

Not scheduled


Sabrina Bechet (Royal Observation of Belgium)


Sunspot drawings are a unique source of data to retrieve long-term information on the evolution of the solar cycle. The sunspot drawings taken at the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) with the USET observing station cover more than 80 years, and they continue to be made nowadays with the same refractor. Recently, the collection has been fully digitized and analysed.

In this talk, we present the analysis of the USET sunspot drawings with our in-house software DigiSun, and the physical parameters extracted from them. This includes sunspot count, sunspot area, and measure of spatial and morphological information. We also show some preliminary results obtained from those parameters.

Contribution Type
Theme Solar Magnetism over Long-Time Scales

Primary author

Sabrina Bechet (Royal Observation of Belgium)

Presentation materials

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