Apr 3 – 5, 2023
Kodaikanal Solar Observatory
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Wideband spectral analysis of the brightest Black Hole X-ray Binary 4U 1543-47 in the 2021 Outburst

Apr 3, 2023, 5:35 PM
Auditorium (Kodaikanal Solar Observatory)


Kodaikanal Solar Observatory

Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Kodaikanal- 624 103 India
Black Hole: Observations Black Hole: Observations


Geethu Prabhakar (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Trivandrum)


4U 1543-47 is a galactic low-mass X-ray binary discovered in 1971. It has undergone five outbursts. The fifth outburst that happened in 2021 marks the source as the brightest X-ray binary source ever reported with a peak X-ray intensity of $\sim$11 Crab in 2-4 keV with MAXI/GSC. We aim for a comprehensive analysis of the wideband spectral characteristics of the source using NICER, NuSTAR and AstroSat Observations. We carried out phenomenological and reflection modelling using simultaneous reflection NICER-NuSTAR and AstroSat epochs. We found that the source was in HSS throughout, with a steep Γ due to a very small fraction (< 3%) of inverse-Comptonized photons. Reflection modelling reveals that the inclination of the system is between $\sim$32°-40°, disk possesses high ionization (log $\xi$ > 3) and overabundance of iron (3.6−10 A$_{Fe \odot}$). We reported the presence of strong and dynamic absorption features in the spectra between $\sim$8-11 keV throughout the outburst. This detection is the first of its kind for X-ray binaries. In addition, there exists a neutral absorption edge feature in the spectrum. We studied the evolution of the equivalent width of both components and found that these components follow the same trend with a delay of typical viscous timescale of 10-15 days. In this presentation, I plan to discuss the physical origin of the observed absorption feature and the accretion dynamics of 4U 1543-47 during the 2021 outburst.

Presentation Type Oral

Primary author

Geethu Prabhakar (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Trivandrum)


Prof. Samir Mandal (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Trivandrum) Mrs Bhuvana G. R. (Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru) Prof. Anuj Nandi (U R Rao Satellite Centre, Bengaluru)

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