Apr 3 – 5, 2023
Kodaikanal Solar Observatory
Asia/Kolkata timezone

X-ray reverberation in accreting Black Hole systems : NGC 4593

Not scheduled
Posters Posters


Shree Suman (Phd Scholar)


X-ray reverberation in accreting Black Hole
systems : NGC 4593

Shree Suman(Ph21resch01009)
Supervisor :Dr Mayukh Pahari

Evidence like fast X-ray variability timescale, large rms fluctuations show that
the light emiting source must reside closest to the black hole, however,its size,
geometry and location are still elusive and usually associated with the base of the
radio jet residing on the vertical spin axis of the black hole. Here we are working
on NGC 4593 which is a type of seyfert galaxy.It is a spiral galaxy with redshift
z=0.008 and situated at distance 37.9 Mpc towards constellation virgo .It has
the apparent visual magnitude of 11.67. However, it has been realised that GR
corrections are essential to consider when describing the radiation within few
Rg radii of the black hole, e.g., Iron emission line at 6.4 keV are observed to
have highly asymmetric profile due to the gravitational redshift.This kind of
galaxy have strong Fe emission line activity ,so that having the signature of
strong gravity is particular interest. Scope Among the observational evidence
that embed the signature of strong gravity, X-ray reverberation is the most
important where X-rays from the corona (emitting source)are reflected off the
inner part of the accretion disc and provide a delayed, reprocessed emission.
The key idea of GR-motivated X-ray reverberation is that the delay timescale
between the direct coronal emission and the reprocessed disc emission can be
significantly longer than expected due to the bending of photon trajectories in
the presence of the black hole. Therefore, the effect of excess delay is expected
to be seen if the disc-corona geometry is very compact.
A attempt to understand the geometry of the NGC 4593 using GR pho-
ton ray-tracing model with the enhanced throughput and spectral resolution of
modern X-ray telescope like CHANDRA,XMM-newton may provides a great
exposure to all this type of galaxies in X-ray astronomy world.

Presentation Type Poster

Primary author

Shree Suman (Phd Scholar)

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