Apr 3 – 5, 2023 Astrophysics Conference
Kodaikanal Solar Observatory
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Millimeter wavelength observation of black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1803−298

Not scheduled
Posters Posters


Mr Arijit Manna (Midnapore City College (Vidyasagar University))


The Galactic black hole X-ray binary candidate MAXI J1803−298 was first discovered with the nova search system of MAXI (Serino et al. 2021). NuSTAR and NICER found periodic absorption dips, and Swift detected absorption lines likely originating in a disk wind, both suggestive of a high inclination angle above ∼ 70$^{\circ}$. A sign of an outflow was also detected in optical spectroscopy, where p Cygni-like profiles were detected in hydrogen Balmer lines (Buckley et al. 2021). The X-ray binaries also show the two other fundamental ingredients of accretion onto compact objects: relativistic jets and hot, dense winds. To study the millimeter wavelength jets from the X-ray binary, we have used the Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Array. We have studied the (sub)millimeter-wavelength physical properties of MAXI J1803−298. We detect the unresolved millimeter wavelength continuum emission from the above X-ray binary candidate. We also find that the peak flux varies from 6.949$\pm$0.094 $\mu$Jy beam$^{-1}$ to 7.446$\pm$0.033 $\mu$Jy beam$^{-1}$ and global spectral index from SED model is 1.14$\pm$0.05. We study the jet-disk coupling and broadband characteristics from X-ray to radio wavelengths.

Presentation Type Poster

Primary author

Mr Arijit Manna (Midnapore City College (Vidyasagar University))


Dr Sabyasachi Pal (Midnapore City College (Vidyasagar University)) Sekhar Sinha (Midnapore City College)

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