Apr 3 – 5, 2023 Astrophysics Conference
Kodaikanal Solar Observatory
Asia/Kolkata timezone

An overview of outbursting black hole X-ray binaries

Apr 3, 2023, 2:00 PM
Auditorium (Kodaikanal Solar Observatory)


Kodaikanal Solar Observatory

Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Kodaikanal- 624 103 India
Black Hole: Observations Black Hole: Observations


Samir Mandal (IIST, Trivandrum)


The study of X-ray binaries in the outbursting phase is crucial to understand the accretion process and the underlying physics. Every outburst is different regarding energy budget and the observed spectral-timing properties. In this presentation, I will summarise the lesson learned from the study of these systems. Also, I will discuss
some of the key issues in this topic based on our recent studies.

Presentation Type Oral

Primary author

Samir Mandal (IIST, Trivandrum)

Presentation materials

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