Apr 3 – 5, 2023 Astrophysics Conference
Kodaikanal Solar Observatory
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Hard X-ray spectral states in Cygnus X-1 and its polarisation dependence using AstroSat

Apr 3, 2023, 3:30 PM
Auditorium (Kodaikanal Solar Observatory)


Kodaikanal Solar Observatory

Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Kodaikanal- 624 103 India
Black Hole: Observations Black Hole: Observations


Abhay Kumar (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India)


Cygnus X-1 is a well-known galactic accreting black hole binary that shows several observational features suggesting a complex interaction between the accretion disk, its atmosphere called Corona, and the jet. The polarisation characteristics of the Corona and the jet are different. To understand the high energy emission mechanism and the system's geometry, we have carried out a spectro-polarimetric study of Cygnus X-1 using AstroSat data. AstroSat-CZTI detectors are of 5 mm thickness and hence have good efficiency for Compton interactions (double pixel events) beyond 100 keV and are utilized for the polarisation study in 100 to 380 keV.
We measure the flux and spectral index in the 22 – 100 keV energy band and the short-term spectral and flux correlation index. The distinct accretion modes corresponding to different spectral states, are consistent with the recent INTEGRAL results. Detailed investigation of polarization in different spectral states suggests a strong spectral state dependence of polarisation. We interpret these results to understand the coronal and jet emission mechanism.

Presentation Type Oral

Primary author

Abhay Kumar (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India)


Prof. Santosh Vadawale (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad) Dr Tanmoy Chattopadhyay (Kavli Institute of Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Stanford University, USA) CZTI team

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