Sep 14 – 16, 2022
IIA Bangalore
Asia/Kolkata timezone
Poster Size for META 2022 : A0 Size Poster is preferred as fixing board size at IIA is 56 inches x 46 inches (landscape orientation)

Astrometric and photometric standard candidates for the upcoming 4-m ILMT survey

Not scheduled
IIA Bangalore

IIA Bangalore


Naveen Dukiya (ARIES Nainital)


The International Liquid Mirror Telescope (ILMT) is a 4-meter class survey telescope that has recently achieved first light and is expected to swing into full operations by 1st January 2023. It scans the sky in a fixed 22′ wide strip centered at the declination of 29°21′41′′ and works in Time Delay Integration (TDI) mode. We present a full catalog of sources in the ILMT strip that can serve as astrometric calibrators. The characteristics of the sources for astrometric calibration are extracted from Gaia EDR3 as it provides a very precise measurement of astrometric properties such as RA (α), Dec (δ), parallax (π), and proper motions (μα∗ & μδ ). We have crossmatched the Gaia EDR3 with SDSS DR17 and PanSTARRS-1 (PS1) and supplemented the catalog with apparent magnitudes of these sources in g, r, and i filters. We also present a catalog of spectroscopically confirmed white dwarfs with SDSS magnitudes that may serve as photometric calibrators. The catalogs generated are stored in a SQLite database for query-based access. We also report the offsets in equatorial positions compared to Gaia for an astrometrically calibrated TDI frame observed with the ILMT.

Presentation type Poster

Primary authors

Naveen Dukiya (ARIES Nainital) Mrs Kuntal Misra (ARIES, Nainital) Mr Bikram Pradhan (ISRO Headquarters)


Ms Bhavya Ailawadhi (ARIES, Nainital) Mr Brajesh Kumar (ARIES, Nainital) Mr Vibhore Negi (ARIES, Nainital) Mr Paul Hickson (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia) Mr Jean Surdej (Space sciences, Technologies and Astrophysics Research (STAR) Institute, Universit ́e de Li`ege)

Presentation materials

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