Seminars and Colloquia

In-orbit Performance Verification of the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC)Astrophysics Seminar

by Muthu Priyal



ADITYA-L1 is India's first space-based solar observatory. VELC is one of the primary instruments onboard. It has one imaging and three spectroscopic channels to study the solar corona at four wavelengths: 5000Å, 5303Å, 7892Å, and 10747Å. After insertion of the spacecraft into halo orbit around Sun-Earth Lagrangian L1 point, the VELC entrance aperture door was opened for Performance Verification (PV) phase operations. During the PV phase, the specifications and performance of VELC were evaluated. The PV phase operations, data reduction techniques, analysis, and initial results will be presented.

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Dean's Office