Seminars and Colloquia

Global Embedding of Perturbative LVS and Fibre Inflation, and Their Inflationary PredictionsAstrophysics Seminar

by Dibya Chakraborty (IIT Madras, Chennai)





Contrary to the usual Large Volume Scenario (LVS), in the perturbative LVS case, the overall volume modulus is dynamically stabilized to an exponentially large value only via perturbative corrections. In the first part of my talk, I will present the global embedding of a single field inflationary model in the framework of perturbative LVS using an orientifold of a K3-fibred CY3. The robustness of the single field inflationary model, where the overall volume drives the accelerated expansion, is checked against possible sub-leading corrections such as winding-type string loop corrections and the higher derivative $F^4$-corrections. Having a complete global construction facilitates writing the scalar potential as a function of all the sub-leading corrections. In the second half of my talk, I will focus on the global embedding of the fibre inflation in perturbative LVS. In the vanilla fibre inflationary model, the inflaton field range is largely constrained by the conditions arising from Kahler cone which creates a challenge towards realizing the cosmological observables while consistently respecting the underlying supergravity approximations. I will show how the global embedding again is proven to be useful to naturally alleviate this issue by embedding fibre inflation in perturbative LVS.