BGS/Student Seminars

Spectroscopy of the Solar Corona using ground and Space-base ObservationPhD Public Viva-voce

by Maya Prabhakar DST (WOS-A) (IIA-Mangalore University)



The coronal spectra obtained from ground-based eclipse observations using a Fabry-Perot interferometer and space-based Hinode/Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) are analyzed in different regions of the solar corona like active regions and coronal holes. The thesis is aimed to study the coronal dynamics using the emission line profile parameters namely the intensity, Doppler velocity, linewidth, and centroid. The spatial and temporal variations of the parameters and their inter-dependencies are studied to explore the coronal mass motions and understand their possible contribution to the coronal heating and the acceleration of the solar wind. The EIS spectral data taken from coronal active regions spread globally over the Sun for 13 years help us to understand cross-correlations of the parameters with the solar cycle 24. The results from the analysis as well as their implications will be discussed in the presentation.
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