BGS/Student Seminars

The Solar Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope: Detector characterization and on-board processing for flare studiesPhD Public Viva-voce

by Manoj Varma (IIA-CU)




Observing flares in the Near Ultra-Violet (NUV) spectrum can provide crucial insights into chromospheric emissions. It is particularly important to observe the entire continuum in NUV during flares to study the spatial variations of the continuum radiation and its relationship to hard X-ray sources. Achieving this requires a large dataset of high-cadence, high spatial resolution, and broad spatial coverage flare observations in the NUV band (200 nm – 400 nm). The Solar Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) onboard the Aditya-L1 mission is designed to meet these requirements. SUIT is an off-axis Ritchey-Chretien (RC) telescope equipped with a 4k × 4k CCD at its focal plane, offering a field-of-view of 1.5 R_ʘ and an image scale of 0.7 arc-second/pixel. To capture high-cadence images of flares from their early stages, an onboard intelligence algorithm has been developed and implemented using FPGA. In this talk, I will begin by highlighting the necessity for high-cadence flare observations in the NUV spectrum, discussing the limitations of the data obtained from the SDO/AIA and IRIS telescopes. I will then detail the specifications of the SUIT detector and present its calibration results. This will be followed by an overview of the implementation and testing of the SUIT on-board processing algorithms and observation sequences. Finally, I will discuss the future scope and potential advancements stemming from this work.

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