Seminars and Colloquia

The Ultraviolet Explorer (UVEX)Astrophysics Seminar

by Shrinivas R Kulkarni (Caltech)




UVEX, selected in 2024, a NASA Medium Explorer mission, is aimed at imaging the entire sky in the far UV (FUV) and near FUV (NUV). It also carries a low-resolution FUV through NUV spectrometer.  The UVEX FUV sky survey will be >60 times (FUV) and >50 times (NUV) deeper than the GALEX  sky survey and the spectrometer compares very well with HST/COS in low-resolution mode. Equally importantly, UVEX will provide the first all-sky images of the sky, including the Galactic plane and the clouds of Magellan. The orbit of UVEX is a cis-lunar orbit and should not suffer from any airglow (which affects missions in low earth orbit).  UVEX is expected to be launched in 2030 and will have a 2-year prime phase.